Rand Engineering has a vast expertise in constructing & installing all types of storm drainage systems. As an industry leader there is no type of system that is too difficult for us to install. We have installed and connected to existing systems that were 80 feet deep. We install all types and sizes of pipes from 4” SDR-35 to 96” RCP & HDPE. We have installed various types and sizes of bio retention, detention and underground rain storage systems, as well as every size of curb inlet, manhole and headwalls.
Value Engineering
We offer Value Engineering, knowing that the design/build process can offer the client the most efficient system for the lowest cost.
Rand Engineering keeps current with the latest specs, products and installation techniques to ensure that the most cost-efficient products and installation techniques are incorporated into a project’s civil design.
Water Pipelines
Our services include working closely with civil engineers, municipalities and owners to ensure that the water system is designed and installed for maximum results with minimal cost, meeting all standards and specs.
Sewer System
Rand Engineering specializes in the installation of sewer mains, laterals, manholes and cleanouts for industrial, residential and municipal systems.
Call us today at 619-722-6767 or Email us at aleicha@randengineeringinc.com
Please contact for all questions and inquiries regarding any services that we offer.